The development tools I like
Today, there are many tools available to help smooth out the development process.
I used It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages.
Aside from the time it takes to get familiar with the instructions, I don't see what's wrong with Git. However, I haven't spent much time studying version control software other than it. Maybe I should, so I can measure their pros and cons.
I used to use Github desktop, which doesn't have many features but is easy to use. I switched to GitKraken a few days ago. I don't know much about these Git GUI, but GitKraken seems great now. Opening it up, there are so many features, but you just need to follow your intuition, you can correctly get what you want. I especially like the conflict editor. I think I'll use it for a while and then evaluate whether to continue.
Note that this is not the Powershell built in your Windows OS. It is the new core of it, which is better. When it comes to console/terminal on windows, CMD is the first classic one, which we all know about, but I don't like because it is ugly and hard to use, especially when you copy and paste something quickly or type some weird characters, there are always some trouble with it. Recently, I found that Windows terminal is also a good choice, I think I'll switch to it soon.
It is always annoying to handle the compatibility along different environments. With Docker, I don't need to be worried about those things that much, but Docker itself could spend your time too, especially when the first time you trying to convert all your locally-running codes into those Docker image things.
WSL make it possible to run whatever you want to on Linux. I watched this video and decide to give it a try later. I WSL and Docker are can sometimes be substituted for each other, but in some cases one is much better than the other, so I'll try to learn both.
The package manager of MacOS. With Linux, you usually have some built-in package manager already, but with MacOS, you need to use this.
Same as Homebrew, it is the the package manager of Windiws.