Use Fira Code in VSCode
Fira Code is a monospaced font that is easier to code with.
To use it with VSCode, you need to:
Install the font.
To install it, I recommend to install it with homebrew,
BASHbrew tap homebrew/cask-fontsbrew install --cask font-fira-codeor, with chocolatey if you are on Windows.
CMDchoco install firacode -
After installing it, you should probably reboot to get the font loaded.
Configure your VSCode settings.
JSON{"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code"}Optionally, you may want to enable "font ligatures".
This case, you should do:
JSON{"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code","editor.fontLigatures": true} -
Done! Enjoy your new font with VSCode.